Non-Radiology Images:
My hobby is photography. If you like to see my flowers, landscape, birds, mammals, sea-life, insects, etc., see my non-radiology site.
Professional Biography (English)
Dr. Barentsz is MD since 1980 and received his research PhD in 1990. He is a Professor of Radiology since 1998 and currently the Chair of the Radboudumc Prostate MR-Reference Center.
His research led to the implementation of PI-RADS in 2012, which became the world-standard for prostate MRI. The '4M' paper from his group and other articles were the basis for the change of the European and Dutch prostate cancer guidelines. Now, it is recommended to use prostate-MRI before a biopsy.
His work also led to the "rebirth" of ferumoxtran-10 MRI, using dextran-coated iron nanoparticles as an MRI contrast agent to detect 2 mm lymph node micrometastases. A marketing-approval trial in Germany, Switzerland and The Netherlands started in early 2020.
Dr. Barentsz' research focuses on the following aims:
1. Implementation of PSA + prostate-MRI for early detection of prostate cancer. Use of artificial intelligence for quality control of prostate MR-image-acquisition and -interpretation.
2. Providing international virtual interactive, hands-on education to help radiologists become prostate-MRI experts. To achieve this, he is also working to implement quality control through accreditation and certification, and he is establishing an (inter)national prostate-MRI excellence network.
3. Enable global marketing-approval of ferumoxtran-10 as MR-contrast agent, and implement nano-MRI as guidance for focal radiotherapy to treat nodal micro-metastases.
He can be a bit stubborn when everyone goes right, he goes left when he thinks that's the best way. He is determined in this decision, but open to every good idea. For example, urologists opposed his idea of using MRI to detect clinically significant prostate cancer. But never gave up. Now he is awarded by European urologists with the EAU Innovators in Urology Award 2020 and is the Imaging Editor of the Executive Editorial Board of European Urology. In that latter position, he tries to promote imaging tools that help patients. To achieve those goals, he can be pretty impatient. But this is mainly due to his commitment and passion. Sometimes he forgets that changes in medical care can take some time. He is often consulted as a member of the Advisory Board of the Prostate Cancer Patient Society and helps many patients, even after-hours, when they need his (imaging) support.
To this end, he founded the Radboudumc Prostate (MRI) Expert Center. In this center, patients can have the latest imaging techniques: mpMRI, bpMRI, nano-MRI, 18F- and 68Ga-PSMA PET-CT. Patients can also have theranostics with Ac- or Lu-PSMA and MR-guided focal therapy treatments. They can consult the experts of this centre with questions about prostate MRI, PET-CT, theranostics and focal therapy.
He is the leading author of more than 300 papers, seven in the last two years with a high-impact factor (> 20). As a result, he encouraged many enthusiastic young researchers to write excellent articles.
- Royal Decoration: Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion
- 2020 EAU Innovators in Urology Award
- Honorary Member Japanese Radiological Society (2019)
- Honorary Member Polish Medical Radiological Society (2019)
- Dutch Radiology Wertheim-Salomonson Medal
- SAR Lifetime Achievement Award
- Queen Wilhelmina Research Award (€2,000,000)
- Best Scientific Paper European Urology 2017
- 3x SCBTMR Lauterbur Award
He is very active on social media: he has more than 1200 expert-prostate followers on Twitter and more than 700 followers on LinkedIn.
He enjoys presenting and educating; see it yourself: "TEDx 2012 yes we scan". This is a provocative talk.
"I have dreams; I forget all the reasons why they will not come true and believe the only reason they will:'
1. Global prostate cancer early detection using PSA + MRI
2. Universal approval and use of nano-(Ferrotran)-MRI
3. Global prostate-MRI cloud-network for Artificial Intelligence.
Who am I?
This (Dutch) talk for medical students shows who I am and what motivates me.
What Urologists Need to Know about MRI:
Part 1:…
Part 2:…
Part 3:
Combidex-MRI detects small nodal metastases, and improves treatment
This video show the experience of 2 patients with prostate cancer and Combidex MRI
PI-RADS v2.1
Full PI-RADS v2.1 paper by ACR PI-RADS Steering Committee
'4M' Study
4M Study: Prospective, multicenter, powered, comparative effectiveness study included 626 biopsy-naïve patients.
Drost et al 2019 Cochrane Review Prostate MRI
256 pages document: "A MUST for all of us who deal with Prostate Cancer!"
PI-RADS v2.1
ACR Steering Committee PI-RADS v2.1
PI-RADS v2 Update and Future Directions
PI-RADS Implementation Editorial
Synopsis PI-RADS v2
Ferrotran nano-MRI movie
This video shows the working mechanism of Ferrotran for nano-MRI
Clemens M.J. Laseur
Professor Jelle Barentsz.
Voor uitgezaaide blaaskanker heb ik 12 chemo behandelingen gehad.
In 'n recent radiologieverslag staat: coronaire - en mitralisklepverkalkingen. Reden voor directe actie?
Jelle Barentsz
Geachte heer Laseur,
Daar weet ik te weinig van. Het beste kunt u dit met uw huisarts bespreken.
Hartelijke groet,
Jelle Barentsz
Wessel van Dijk
Dag professor Barentsz. Staat u open voor nadere kennismaking. Ik zou graag eens met u spreken over Sananet prostaatkankercoach. Met Domien en Dick Janssen spreek ik al langer. Groet Wessel
Jelle Barentsz
Beste Wessel,
Wat is een Sananet prostaatkankercoach?
Zullen we via e-mail verder communiceren (
HG Jelle Barentsz.