Astellas/MAGNIFY trial


Assessing the value of novel molecular imaging techniques: multiparametric MRI, nano-particle MRI,  and 68Ga PSMA-PET/CT to predict local tumor grade and map lymph node metastasis in patients with prostate cancer scheduled for prostatectomy and lymph node dissection.

Aims and objectives:

To prospectively determine the clinical value and accuracy of

multi-parametric MRI (mp-MRI) and 68Ga PSMA-PET/CT for local tumor grade

nano-MRI (Combidex-MRI) plus 68Ga PSMA-PET/CT for the detection of lymph node metastases

in patients with prostate cancer and intermediate to high risk for lymph node metastases (>15% according to the Briganti nomograms)  scheduled for radical prostatectomy and extended lymph node dissection (e-LND) as gold standard.

Participating Centers:

Radboudumc, Nijmegen (n=40)

Wesley Hospital, Brisbane (n=60)

Garvin Institute,  Sydney (n=60)

Alp d'Huez Trial: Value of multi-parametric MRI and MR-guided biopsies in the detection of significant prostate cancer in men with an elevated PSA (Met Prostaat MRI Meer Mans: 4M)

Aims and Objectives

To investigate the combined value of the prostate risk calculator, multi-parametric  MRI and MRI-guided biopsy in men with an elevated PSA (>3 ng/ml)compared to the current standard of care. The aims are to decrease the detection of insignificant cancers, to reduce the number of biopsies and the number of biopsy cores taken, to increase the detection of significant tumors, and to determine the influence of the TRUS- and MRI-guided biopsy strategy on quality of life and its cost-effectiveness (n=660).

Participating Centers

Radboudumc, Nijmegen

ZGT, Almelo

Maasstad, Rotterdam

Andros, Elst

TEDx Maastricht 2012 "Yes We Scan"!

Meest recente reacties

04.04 | 11:39

Geachte heer Laseur,
Daar weet ik te weinig van. Het beste kunt u dit met uw huisarts bespreken.
Hartelijke groet,
Jelle Barentsz

04.04 | 10:49

Professor Jelle Barentsz.
Voor uitgezaaide blaaskanker heb ik 12 chemo behandelingen gehad.
In 'n recent radiologieverslag staat: coronaire - en mitralisklepverkalkingen. Reden voor directe actie?

21.05 | 14:59

Beste Wessel,

Wat is een Sananet prostaatkankercoach?
Zullen we via e-mail verder communiceren (

HG Jelle Barentsz.

21.05 | 08:09

Dag professor Barentsz. Staat u open voor nadere kennismaking. Ik zou graag eens met u spreken over Sananet prostaatkankercoach. Met Domien en Dick Janssen spreek ik al langer. Groet Wessel

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